2019 - Bequia Lionfish Trap Testing, 22-29 JUN
2019 - Bequia Lionfish Trap Testing
2019 Bequia Lionfish Trap Testing Project
22 JUN 2019 to 29 JUN 2019
ReefSave returns to the beautiful and remote island of Bequia and will locally build and test several copies of the “No Weld” version of Dr. Gittings deep water purse trap. We will also be inspecting and modifying the welded #5 traps we built there in the summer of 2018.
You can volunteer to help with ReefSave tasks as often or infrequently as you like or just “Vacation for a Cause“.
$1,799 diver/$1,199 non-diver (dbl occ) includes:
- 7 nights accommodations in 3 star Village Apartments Beach Hotel w/air conditioning
- 5 days of 2 tank dives
- Wash, storage and assembly of personal gear
- Breakfast daily
- Government tax, Hotel Service and Climate Resilience Levy tax included
Great SCUBA diving and we often find rarely spotted marine life like: Flaming Reef Lobsters, Pipefish, Sea Horse, octopus, Snake Head Eel, Striated Frogfish and more!
Volunteer SCUBA divers will scour the feeder reefs near the trap locations to count lionfish before and after the traps a retrieved. Inspections of the deployments and retrievals of the traps need to be photographed and video recorded by both SCUBA divers and top side volunteers. Volunteers will help collect data, build traps and help host a public open house at the end of the week where we give away free cooked lionfish samples and help educate the public about lionfish.
Proceeds from this trip will support Reefsave’s mission to build, deploy and further research NOAA designed lionfish traps in small countries in Central America and Caribbean Islands.

10 AUG 2018 - BEQUIA